BackLodi province museums area are heterogeneous and house collections of different natures: naturalistic and scientific collections; archaeological and art museums and collections; demographic-socio-anthropological museums that emphasize ties with agricultural tradition: monothematic museums and the astronomical observatory. A particularly substantial number of ecclesiastical properties also constitute a specific aspect of the area’s art and local religious tradition.
Musei Artistici Archeologici
Musei Artistici Archeologici
Musei Demo-Etno-Antropologici
Musei Demo-Etno-Antropologici
Musei Monotematici
Musei Monotematici
Musei Naturalistici Scientifici
Musei Naturalistici Scientifici
Aree Naturalistiche
Aree Naturalistiche
Osservatori Astronomici
Osservatori Astronomici
Archivi Storici
Archivi Storici